by Helen Graebner
God gave us the world
To live in
Wrapped in beauty.
And we litter it
With tin cans
And pop bottles
And cigarette wrappers.
He gave us mountains
Lifting their purple
Snow-glistened heights
Into the blueness
Of the arching skies --
He gave us the grandeur
Of life.
And we walk with our eyes downcast
Engrossed in the pettiness
Of existence
He gave us voices
Tuned for singing.
And we use them to complain
And scold
And quarrel
He gave us minds
Made to stretch
As wide as the universe
As high as heaven
And large enough
To comprehend
The smallness of an atom.
And we content ourselves
With mediocrity
At Christmas
God gives us Himself.
Will we lose the gift
Beneath the jumble
Of crumpled tissue and tangled tinsel
Under the tree?
OR will we find the Star
The Song
The Promise there?
I wish for you
That the joy and laughter
The hope and peace
The beauty and love
The light and the song
And the Promise of Christmas
Will abide in your lives
Isabella Looks at the
Christmas Gifts Under the Tree
Site Design and Content Copyright ©2002-2013 by Diane and Helen Graebner